Hunt Winter Twitch Drops 2024
The Winter Hunt Drops Event Runs 23-30 Jan. Here's Everything You Need to Know.
by Death
Jan 22, 2025
The Winter Hunt: Showdown 1896 Twitch Drops campaign will begin at 10 AM EST (3 PM UTC) on January 23rd, 2025, and will end at 10 AM EST (3 PM UTC) on January 30th, 2025. During the campaign you will earn a new reward each day, along with 3 Supply Crates per day. Drops reset each day at 10 AM EST (3 PM UTC). Death will be streaming during this drops event on Twitch at twitch.tv/GameswithDeath during the following times with these amazing content creators:
Day 1 - Thursday, 23 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. Hermit & Astarte
Day 1 - Friday, 24 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. Morgan & Hannah
Day 3 - Saturday, 25 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. Failish, JacJac, & Barittaneyyy
Day 1 - Sunday, 26 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. ghouly & AngryTwitches
Day 1 - Monday, 27 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. WHISKYFRIZZ, Davey, & Ozzie
Day 1 - Tuesday, 28 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. Urfiee & Failish
Day 1 - Wednesday, 29 Jan, 10 AM EST, ft. WHISKYFRIZZ & Dennis
Each day’s reward will be available for 24 hours before switching to the next one. Watch any participating Hunt: Showdown 1896 streamer for 240 minutes to unlock the daily reward.

Rewards will be available as follows:
Spare Dime (Nagant M1895 Silencer) 23 Jan - 24 Jan

If you already own Spare Dime, then you will unlock a random Skin from the following list:
Poseidon's Whisper (Nagant M1895 Silencer), Mosquito (Nagant M1895 Silencer), Red Azimuth (Nagant M1895), Death Letter (Officer Brawler), and Undertaker's Ally (Officer).
If you already own all the skins from the list, then you will receive 5,000 hunt dollars.
Molted Curio (Charm) 24 Jan - 25 Jan

If you already own Molted Curio, then you will unlock a random Charm from the following list:
Ferryman’s Coin, Second Chance, Sorrow's Locks, Nemean Claw, and Ruby's Favor.
If you already own all the charms from the list, then you will receive 5,000 Hunt Dollars.
Huff's Kit (First Aid Kit) 25 Jan - 26 Jan

If you already own Huff's Kit, then you will unlock a random Skin from the following list:
Lemonnier's Kit (First Aid Kit), Revelation (Quad Derringer), Dying Breath (First Aid Kit), Rising Sun (Flare Pistol), and Aurelia (Flare Pistol).
If you already own all the skins from the list, then you will receive 5,000 Hunt Dollars.
Sinner's Sinew (Hunting Bow) 26 Jan - 27 Jan

If you already own Sinner's Sinew, then you will unlock a random Skin from the following list:
Steel Sprung (Hand Crossbow), Jack o' Diamonds (Crossbow), Snake Seer (Crossbow), and Myth Killer (Crossbow).
If you already own all the Skins from the list, then you will receive 5,000 Hunt Dollars.
Scaled Peak (Charm) 27 Jan - 28 Jan

If you already own Scaled Peak, then you will unlock a random Charm from the following list:
Ferryman’s Coin, Second Chance, Sorrow's Locks, Nemean Claw, and Ruby's Favor.
If you already own all the Charms from the list, then you will receive 5,000 Hunt Dollars.
The Fifth Tale (Mosin Obrez) 28 Jan - 29 Jan

If you already own The Fifth Tale, then you will unlock a random Skin from the following list:
Sins of the Son (Romero 77 Hatchet), Blister (Springfield 1866 Bullseye), The Collins (Specter 1882 Shorty), Gaunt (Mosin Obrez Extended), and Sinner's Jezail (Mosin Obrez).
If you already own all the Skins from the list, then you will receive 5,000 Hunt Dollars.
Random Hunter 29 Jan - 30 Jan

Previous Twitch Drops Hunters will have priority. If you are missing one from this list, then you will unlock one of the following:
Lulu, Kill Buyer, Billy Story, Steel Eyed, The Infected, and Umpire’s Bane.
If you already own all previous Twitch Drops Hunters, then you will unlock a random Hunter from the list of Blood Bond Hunters. There is also a very small chance to unlock Bad Hand, Union Suit: Red Drawers or Union Suit: Sunday Best as individual Hunters.
The new Blood Bond Hunters released as part of the Update 2.2, as well as seasonal Hunters and event exclusive Hunters, are not on the list and therefore cannot be obtained.
If you already own all previous Twitch Drops and Blood Bond Hunters, then you will receive 10,000 Hunt Dollars.
Supply Crates 23 Jan - 30 Jan
Supply Crates will contain these 8 item instances:
1 x Random Rifle, 1 x Random Pistol, 1 x Random Shotgun, 1 x Random Special Weapon, 3 x Random Tool or Consumable, and 1 x Random amount of Hunt Dollars.
To link your steam and Hunt accounts go to: www.huntshowdown.com/twitchdrops. When your items are ready to be claimed they can be in your Twitch inventory here: https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory. If you have issues contact Crytek customer service here: https://intercom.help/crytek/en/articles/5796888-twitch-drops-faq.
Should be a fun time. See you on the other.